
Sep, 2023

Name the Crane Competition


BESIX Watpac, together with the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation, is inviting Gold Coast Health staff members to “name the crane” that is currently onsite helping to build the $122.7 million-dollar Secure Mental Health Rehabilitation Unit (SMRHU) facility at Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH).

The winning name will be displayed on the site’s fence for the duration of construction and the winner will be invited to present a donation of $2,000 to the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation on behalf of BESIX Watpac.

BESIX Watpac’s generous donation will be used to support consumers as well as their families and carers.

The competition is open Gold Coast Health-wide. Submit your entry along with the reason you chose it (100 words max) to admin@gchfoundation.org.au by Friday 20th October 2023.

A panel of judges, consisting of representatives from the Foundation, BESIX Watpac and project and lived experience teams, will announce the winner on Monday 30th October.

Judges will award extra points to entries that align with the building’s vision to provide world-class, compassionate, person-centred care that fosters recovery while supporting a philosophy that people are not defined by their experience of illness.

Brevity will also be rewarded!

The 40-bed facility is designed to provide a supportive environment for patients with severe and complex mental health disorders.

The anticipated completion date for the facility is November 2024, with the facility’s opening planned for February 2025.