
Community Bank, Paradise Point, Bendigo Bank Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships







Ged Williams Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships

In previous years, the Nursing and Midwifery scholarships were delivered as a result of a significant donation from Professor Ged Williams who was Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service and Clinical Professor of Nursing, Griffith University from 2007 – 2013. During his time with Gold Coast Health and Griffith, Professor Williams was a passionate advocate for clinical excellence, continuing education and advanced specialisation across all domains of practice.

We are grateful to Ged for this paying it forward initiative to support furthering nurses education and skills.

Community Bank, Paradise Point, Bendigo Bank Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships

Community Bank, Paradies Point, Bendigo Bank are honoured to carry on Ged William’s legacy by partially funding the 2023 Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship program. A number of Post Registration study scholarships are available to Registered Nurses, Registered Midwives, Enrolled Nurses and Assistants in Nursing from Gold Coast Health who have completed or expected to complete study in this calendar year.

Gold Coast Health encourages the uptake of postgraduate study to develop a highly skilled workforce who are ready and able to help ease distress caused by illness and disability. Ged Williams had generously provided the funding for these scholarships to act as an incentive to pursue and complete specialised postgraduate studies.


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Significant Dates for 2023

The 2023 Bendigo Bank Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships application dates:

Open Midnight (start of day) Tuesday 19th September

Closes Midnight (end of day) Sunday 12th November

Oration – Wednesday 6th December

Scholarships Enquiries

For questions or enquiries about the Bendigo Bank Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships, please contact scholarships@gchfoundation.org.au